For example, deriving Maxwell’s equations will not be covered here. But the symbols and terms will be explained. Since our goal is to design with optics and not develop optics from scratch, equations will pop up when we need them. All in all, there about 50 tables, and over 50 images and diagrams. I want to use lots of numerical results with real numbers, lots of diagrams, and lots of design methods. “Classical Modern Lens Design”, which I do not think is an oxymoron. The goal is to use “classic” lens design by using tools in the modern era, such as a spreadsheet. The goals of this guide with a spreadsheet People who want the mathematical derivations.People who are physics-like researchers that want to derive theorems.People who just want a lens design solution, without the work that comes with it.People who want a quick fix to a specific optics problem.People who are enthusiastic about lens design process, and can do trigonometry, I’ll try to make the math interesting.People who are self taught in optics to a certain degree (you can skip the math if you know it).People that started lens design through other disciplines (such as mechanical engineering, physics).People who want an applicable lens design guide.People who want the basic knowledge of lens design explained clearly, and visualized in a spreadsheet.People who want to sharpen their existing lens design skills.Total system design require the software, but breaking the optical system down into intermediate lens groups, and understanding the choices of lenses that you are using is an acquired knowledge that can’t be learned by simply using the software.
We can replicate this with a spreadsheet.īy learning the classic method to do lens design, we will be able to dig up the properties of lenses that are required for the lens system in a way that can be easily buried when using expensive, proprietary lens design software programs. How did the people in the past design a lens, before computers came into the lens design picture? Most calculated rays of light by hand. The basis of lens design, the refraction of light itself is a relatively simple concept that we can learn in physics class such as Snell’s Law, but lens design uses those concepts in a complex configurations that is a science to itself. What you will learn in this guide, how we incorporate a spreadsheet Although the calculation methods are classic, with the help of a spreadsheet, we will do a step-by-step lens design that makes all of the steps and theory make sense. This guide will tackle how lens design was done before optical design software on computers were invented, which I will call the “classic” method for lens design. Introduction to the General Theme About this guide (and how we can use a spreadsheet in lens design)

In Google Sheets, it’s not possible to trace precedent cells.Conceptual lens design by the masters, without using expensive software, but a spreadsheet You can also display the dependency tracer arrows. When you’re done, hide the arrows to view your spreadsheet without them. Note: You can use a VBA loop to trace multiple cells without clicking on each cell. If there is more than one layer, you can click on Trace Precedents again and it will show other layers with new tracer arrows. You can see below, for this example, that there are five cells that make the value of the selected cell. Precedent tracer arrows will appear for the selected cell. Then in the Ribbon, go to Formulas > Trace Dependents (from the Formula Auditing group). Each of these cells is calculated as a sum from its row: F2 is the sum of B2:E2, F3 is the sum of B3:E3, etc.Ģ. In this example, it’s cell F8, which is the sum of cells F2:F6. The first step is to select a cell for which you want to show precedent tracer arrows. Follow these steps to show formula relationships between cells:ġ. This helps a lot when you are checking formulas for accuracy or finding the source of an error. The Trace Precedents feature shows arrows to indicate which cells are included in the calculation of the currently selected cell. You can use Trace Precedents commands to graphically display and trace the relationships between cells and formulas with tracer arrows. For example, if cell B3 contains the formula =B1+B2, cells B1 and B2 are precedents of B3. Precedent cells are cells that are included in the calculation of a selected cell.
This tutorial demonstrates how to show precedent tracer arrows (showing which cells the current cell depends on) in Excel.