Given the relative rarity of these fractures, most surgeons have only limited experience in their management. Depending upon in how many parts the bone has fractured, he divided them into one to four part fracture. Fracture of the distal humerus is one of the most challenging injuries that confront the orthopedic traumatologist. They are often better able to comprehend and comply with the postfracture rehabilitation protocol. Although this may result in such fractures at any age, young patients typically experience these fractures 38 because their cortical and cancellous bones are of excellent quality. He identified 4 parts in the upper end of the humerus – shaft, head, greater tuberosity and lesser tuberosity. Proximal humerus fractures also occur in the high-energy trauma group. Neer has classified these fractures into 4 types depending upon the construction of the fracture. Regarding the operative methods, overall good results were obtained with the modern locked plate osteosynthesis (mean DASH 34.4). Mean DASH scores were 37.5, 36.9, and 48.6, respectively. Often the symptoms are minimal.įracture of the surgical neck of the humerus is important to properly evaluate these fractures by AP and axial X-rays. Results: Sixty-four patients were treated surgically for a displaced proximal fracture of the humerus: 15 two-part, 32 three-part, and 17 four-part fractures. The possibility of this fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus should be kept in mind in all elderly persons complaining of pain in the shoulder following a fall. Collection X-ray image of upper extremity fractures showing fractures of clavicle, arm, elbow, forearm, wrist and hand. Explain interprofessional team strategies for enhancing care coordination and communication to advance the evaluation and management of humerus fractures and improve patient outcomes. In the majority of cases, these fractures are impacted sometimes they are widely displaced. According to demineralisation on x-Ray this one is a pathological fracture due to bone tumor. Summarize the treatment considerations for humerus fractures. Distal humerus fractures are more common in young children (typically from falls or being pulled by the hand too hard), but can occur in people at any age from accidental or violent arm trauma. This injury occurs closer to the elbow joint and often requires surgical repair.

The fracture is usually caused by a fall on the shoulder. Determine if the break is a distal humerus fracture. Fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus occurs most often in elderly women.